Episode 11) Peru, Andean & Inca civilizations Cuzco, Camino Inka, Pisac, Andean SchoolFor more information, http://legroux.eu/perou This eleventh and last episode of the America season focuses on the Peruvian Andes and in particular on the region of Cuzco. Cuzco was the heart of the Inca civilization from around 1200 to 1532, when the Incas lost […]
TdM – South America – Peru, Camino Inca and Machu Picchu
Episode 11b: Camino Inca and Machu Picchu Preamble The Camino Inca is a path that was taken by pilgrims to get to the most important sacred site of the Inca civilization, namely, Machu Picchu. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and therefore highly protected. It can only be borrowed within a very […]
TdM – South America – friendly Ecuador – Quito, Pichincha, Cacao WAYTA, Volcan Cotopaxi
Episode 10: Ecuador , Friendly – Quito, Pichincha, Cocoa WAYTA, Cotopaxi Volcano This tenth episode is confined to the country of Ecuador . The arrival in Quito was a bit rough. The city is very large, at first glance the historic center is less welcoming than I expected. I was tired from the Lima-Quito trip […]
TdM – South America – Bolivia , Endearing – Tarija, Potosi , Sucré , Lake Titicaca, Tiwanaku, La Paz
Episode 9: Bolivia , Endearing – Tarija, Potosi , Sucré , Lake Titicaca, Tiwanaku, La Paz Introduction As a preamble, it should be remembered that Bolivia has the lowest GDP per capita in South America and that the death rate from COVID has been the highest on the continent. Life there is tough and difficult […]
Episode 7: Aconcagua, Summit of the Americas, Heart of the Expedition.
Preamble This text will transport you to the heart of an expedition of more than two weeks in very high mountains: Aconcagua (6960 m.), the summit of the Americas. The main protagonists are: Rodrigo, the chief guide. Paula, the second guide. Six “customers” whose gender has been unified and their first names anonymized and of […]
TdM – South America – Chile, Torres Del Paine Park, the Trek O the best one
Preamble Trek O is a loop in the Chilean National Park – Los Torres del Paine (The Towers of Pain). This trek is very famous and it is often referred to as the most beautiful trek in South America. It is usually run in 8 days with strict supervision of the stages. It should be […]
Japanese strolls

The look of a breathtaking discovery of Japan in a dreamlike daily life. April and May 2018.
The Great Crossing of the Alps (GTA) by the GR5 in 2020 and 2021

As a reminder, the video is available by following this link: 2022 GTA-GR5 (v17) Introduction This article documents the GTA (Grande Traversée des Alpes) via the so-called “classic and integral” route from Lake Geneva (Saint Gingolph in Switzerland) to Nice, which only and strictly follows the GR5. This great crossing was for me, a hyphen which […]
Japanese strolls
The look of a breathtaking discovery of Japan in a dreamlike daily life. April and May 2018.
The book “Trans-Siberian Times” is in press
The Trans-Siberian Times book is being printed. Each pre-order will receive a bonus to thank you for your trust. You can pre-order now: 1) Online on the website of the Greens Editions: Book here 2) By printing the order form and following the instructions (complete and attach a check) “Trans-Siberian Times – Purchase Commande.pdf” See […]